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7-14-11 Fine Arts Commission Minutes
Meeting of July 14, 2011

Chair Howe called the meeting of the Fine Arts Commission to order at 7:10 p.m.

PRESENT:        Terrye Blackstone; Karen Howe; Glynis McKenzie; Maureen Rodgers; Betty Russell;
                        Dan Russell; Florence Schroeter.

ABSENT:    Regina Barall; Judy Okeson (excused); Hilde Mayranen-O’Brien; John Ryan;
                     Roberta Sweeney; Sue Tukey; Prescille Yamamoto (excused).

        MOTION  By Florence Schroeter
                                        Seconded by Glynis McKenzie
                                        To approve the minutes of June 9, 2011

CORRECTIONS:    Misspelling of the following:  Roberta Sweeney (not Robert); Florence Schroeter (not Shroeter); Terrye Blackstone (not Terry).  
                               Approved with noted corrections.

III.    CHAIR’S REPORT                                  
        Chair Howe reported the following:      
-       Thanked Florence Schroeter for chairing the June 2011 meeting.
-       Did not hear from Roger Moss in reference to the correspondence sent to him from the Commission.  She will contact him.
-       Requested the clerk follow up on the additional $700 approved for EHSYF out of the 2010-2011 budget.
-       Will have business cards and note cards for the Commissioners in September.

-  Thank you note from Sunset Ridge School for the mini-grant approval and a report on the expenditure.
-  Received an email in reference to placing an ad in the playbill for the EHSYF event.  Chair Howe stated that the Commission is a generous sponsor and she always places an ad in the playbill without any extra advertising funding.

Commissioners questioned the Summer Series performance that is being sponsored by Fine Arts.  The clerk will investigate. (Performance is 7/28, Alumni Park, performance by “Slide” traditional and contemporary Irish music)

Photography                                     No report at this time.

Film Series
Glynis McKenzie stated that she will continue with the foreign film series. Glynis McKenzie will contact Park and Rec for availability of projection equipment and ease of use by John Ryan.

Betty Russell will contact the Senior Centers and the availability of transportation to the film series.                                        

Terrye Blackstone reported she spent 2 hours at Raymond Library reviewing and updating the Purchase Award catalog with the photos and written information.  She will continue to work on this until it is up to date.  Terrye reported the town of East Hartford owns 40 Purchase Awards.

Children’s Programs
Chair Howe reported that Regina Barall is working on a dance program at Willowbrook.

Chair Howe stated that Buffa will be performing at the yearly kick- off family event held at Willowbrook School.

Dance                                                   No report at this time.

Chair Howe thanked the Commission for the additional funding.  She reported that Joe Connolly, Artistic Director, is not feeling well and Ray Grasso is assisting in that role. Further, almost the entire cast of "The Wiz" is college age and under.  She distributed flyers to the Commissioners. EHSYF is still seeking donations and sponsorships.  A “Tea Cup Auction” will be held during the intermission of the performance.  Chair Howe is hoping to get two large donations for each night.  She also stated that the parents have gotten very involved this year with working on the sets. The cast party will be held after the 2 p.m. matinee performance rather than in the evening.

Educational workshops have been held for the cast.  They have worked on characterization, vocal, costumes and make up.  Audition workshops will take place in the fall.

Drama/Lecture/Poetry                                    No report at this time.

        Town of East Hartford Pamphlet
Terrye Blackstone stated that Marilyn Pet suggested that the Fine Arts Commission work on a town pamphlet showing town destinations.  Much discussion was held on this project.  Terrye Blackstone agreed to head the sub-committee for this project.  Information will be given at the September meeting.  Chair Howe agreed to work with Terrye.
VII.  NEW BUSINESS                                      
        MOTION  By Maureen Rodgers
                                        Seconded by Dan Russel1
                                        To not meet the month of August per past precedent.

Discussion was held on the attendance of Commissioners.  Per the Fine Arts Commission By-Laws Article VIII – Standing Rules:                                    
Any Commission member who cannot attend at least 50% of the regular meetings per year, nor take his or her share in carrying out the Purpose of the Commission shall be asked at the discretion of the Chair, with the sanction of the Commission, to resign.

The clerk will include the By-laws in the mailing.  This will be an agenda topic in September.

                        Theresa Godreau                         $    80.00
        MOTION  By Maureen Rodgers
                                        Seconded by Terrye Blackstone
                                        To pay bills as submitted.

Maureen Rodgers reported that she had attended a performance at “The Kate” in Old Saybrook.  The performance was “The Dining Room” and was performed by the Saybrook Stage Company.  She will bring in the event listings at the next meeting.

Betty Russell recommended that the Commission attend the sponsored Summer Series performance together.  The clerk will get the information and send a flyer home with the minutes.

The clerk reported that Prescille Yamamoto did do a spread sheet for the 2011-2012 budget.  The spread sheet will be enclosed with the minutes and Commissioners should come prepared to discuss how the funds will be dispersed for Special Events.

        MOTION  By Glynis McKenzie
                                        Seconded by Dan Russell
                                        To adjourn the meeting at 8:14 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Theresa A. Godreau, Clerk